
Monday, May 9, 2011

The Primary Factors That Cause Road Traffic Accidents

By Lenore Rocamora Platinum Quality Author

Every single day nearly three thousand five hundred people die on the world's roads, and millions of individuals suffer injuries or are left disabled. The most vulnerable group of road users are cyclists and pedestrians. There are various practices that can help to improve safety on the national road network, this includes the wearing of seat-belts, adhering to speed restrictions, and not drinking and driving. Road traffic accidents are unfortunately the main cause of death for people aged between fifteen and forty-four.
An important way of bringing down the number of road traffic related injuries is to control speed. The greatest number of accidents that are caused due to excessive speed occur in urban areas. When driving in a built up area, always ensure that you stay under the speed limit.
Drinking and driving can be a deadly combination. The risk of a crash increases dramatically if a driver has consumed any amount of alcohol. Though you may believe you are a capable driver after consumption of a glass of wine or a bottle of beer, your judgment and decision making skills will be impaired. You do not have to be completely drunk to be a danger behind the wheel.
The wearing of seat-belts reduces the risk of injury to front seat passengers by around forty to sixty per cent, according to official research by the World Health Organization. Rear seat passengers can also reduce the risk of death by between twenty five and seventy five per cent if wearing a seat-belt. Child restraints should be used by the youngest passengers, studies have found that these devices lessen the chance of injury by as much as eighty per cent.
Fast pre-hospital care can help to dramatically bring down the number of deaths on our nation's roads. For this reason, it is essential to have at the ready the contact details of a local hospital or emergency response team. Health insurance that covers such emergency situations should be thought of as essential rather than an unnecessary expense.
The high number of road traffic fatalities and injuries can be brought down. It is up to each driver to make sure that they are alert and careful at all times. Car insurance does not help in saving lives, only safe driving does. The World Health Organization predicts that by 2030 there will be 2.5 million deaths annually due to road traffic accidents, you can prevent yourself becoming part of these statistics by always driving cautiously and being aware of your own responsibilities.
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